At South Mountain Collision & Auto Center in Middletown, we understand how important it is to have ice cold AC in your truck on a long, hot day. Whether you drive a Chevy, Ford, or Dodge diesel pickup, chances are you have a lot of cab to cool down, and a subpar AC just won’t cut it.
Obviously, your brakes are essential. However, it’s easy to neglect or ignore brake issues, and even miss them altogether; as long as the truck still stops, many people don’t see the need to have their brakes serviced. From South Mountain Collision & Auto Center in Middletown, MD, here are some common brake issues, and why you should fix them.
If you operate a fleet or commercial trucks, you’re no stranger to the check engine light. There are probably vehicles in your fleet right now that have a warning light or two illuminated on the dash. What do they mean, and how do you make them go away? South Mountain Collision & Auto Center in Middletown, MD has the answers.
Since the first automobile, vehicle electronics have become increasingly more complex with every passing era. In the modern-day, your car, truck, or SUV likely depends on an array of modules, sensors, and components that control every aspect of how your vehicle runs and drives. Here’s what you need to know about your vehicle’s electronics systems, from South Mountain Collision & Auto Center in Middletown.
At South Mountain Collision & Auto Center in Middletown, MD, we know replacing an entire engine can be a tough call to make - that’s why we’re here to help you make an expert decision on the matter.
What condition are your tires in? At South Mountain Collision & Auto Center in Middletown, MD, we want to make sure you can tell if your tires are in good condition or ready to be replaced. A simple visual inspection is all you need - it’s easy if you know what to look for. Our technicians have been trained to identify trouble before it hurts your vehicle, but they can also help you understand how to keep your eyes open for serious issues.
If you want to avoid nasty and unexpected surprise maintenance costs, sticking to a regimented schedule of preventative maintenance is something you are going to want to get used to. The reason being is simple – frequent maintenance will keep your vehicle in good health, ensuring you get the most out of all those expensive-to-replace parts. While it might sound counterintuitive, the best way to reduce maintenance costs is to stick to a prescribed maintenance schedule.
If you own or operate a fleet of vehicles or a commercial truck, chances are you’ve encountered a bad ball joint or two. How do you catch one before it breaks, and why is it important? South Mountain Collision & Auto Center in Middletown, MD has the answers.
2 Walnut St
| Middletown, MD
(301) 371-9119
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MON-FRI | 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
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